10am: Sodbury in Bloom Working Party
Town Council Offices, Chipping Sodbury
We meet at 10am on the first Thursday of the month in the Community Garden, behind the Town Council Offices.
We welcome new members - get in touch if you have a bit of free time. No gardening experience necessary. Bring tools and gloves if you have them. We often finish with a coffee!
Sodbury in Bloom is a group of community volunteers working throughout the year to make Chipping Sodbury a lovely place to live, work and visit.
We provide floral displays around town and maintain the Community Garden, orchard and parks. We organise children’s activities, plant wild flowers, litter pick and much more.
We are grateful that we have the support and a lot of appreciation from local businesses and residents, and we have never had to ask for public help with funding on this scale before.
The price of plants, bulbs, compost, containers and particularly our watering costs over the summer have risen hugely this year.
Most people are feeling the increase in the cost of living and we know that flowers are not a priority when families are struggling to pay their bills. However, we have no regular funding and largely rely on applying for grants. Whilst we are grateful for any grants we receive, we estimate that we will have a £2000 shortfall this year.
Either we have to reduce what we do in the town, or we need to raise some money. So we are asking for donations from our supporters. If you appreciate our efforts and you are able to make a donation, however small, this is your chance to help us keep the town looking lovely.
Thank you.
The Sodbury in Bloom group are a small band of volunteers who are keen to welcome newcomers.
They meet 10am on the first Thursday of the month in the community garden behind the Town Council Offfices.
They are also looking for people who might be willing to keep an eye on their local patch, cutting weeds back or planting bulbs as appropriate.
If you have green fingers and fancy enhancing your local patch, please get in touch.
The Sodbury in Bloom logo was created by Sophie Press from St John's Mead Primary School as part of a competition.
It's really important that everyone in Sodbury feels part of Sodbury in Bloom, so if you have ideas for what you'd like to see, please contact Julia Bernau at: or Pat Fryer on 01454 853736.
If you are interested in supporting Sodbury in Bloom, please click here to download and complete our registration form [.doc] and email it to Julia Bernau at: .
You can also visit us on www.facebook.com/SodburyInBloom.
The photographs on this page are kindly supplied by Rich McD Photography.
The Sodbury in Bloom Clean Up Team meets several times a month throughout the year to carry out regular litter-picking in and around Chipping Sodbury.
If you have any time to spare you would be very welcome to join us whenever you can, as a one-off, once a month, or more regularly for what is basically a walk and a chat whilst making a big difference to the look of the town and the environment.
For more information telephone Naomi on 01454 314476.
Sodbury in Bloom is also supported by:
RHS Britain in Bloom is the UK’s largest community gardening campaign, involving hundreds of thousands of people.
As part of RHS Britain in Bloom – and its sister campaign, RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood – volunteers in cities, towns, villages, urban communities and neighbourhoods work together to improve their local environment, using gardening as a tool.
The Sodbury In Bloom committee co-ordinates Chipping Sodbury's participation in Britain in Bloom.
Points are awarded for:
The long term benefit of the Project will be to make a lasting improvement to the community for everyone to enjoy, young and old, residents and visitors as well as for future generations.
To find out more, visit: www.rhs.org.uk/communities